Veronica Kenny

ECE Teacher



Early Childhood Education

Hello! My name is Veronica Kenny and I am thrilled to be joining the Columbine Crew this year.  I will be teaching ECE 3s. I have a bachelors in psychology, a masters in education as well as early childhood special education.  I have been teaching for 19 years with more than half of them in the early childhood classroom. It is my love and my passion. In addition to being a general education teacher, I am a licensed early childhood special education teacher. I am originally from New York and my accent will sometimes give me away.  My husband and I relocated to Parker 17 years ago  with our three amazing kids, Kaelynn(24) recently engaged, Tyler (21) who is serving in the US Navy, and Noah(18) a freshman at CU Denver.   I love hockey and I  am a big Avalanche fan. As a family we like to explore and experience new and different restaurants, breweries  and ice cream shops around the city.  I love being a mom, coffee and cooking.  When given the opportunity I enjoy hiking, camping, playing with our dogs and gardening.