Community Newsletter 9/1/24

Posted September 3, 2024

Happy Labor Day Weekend Columbine Community! 

We’ve wrapped up another amazing week here at school. Week two and we are hitting our school groove. THANK YOU to all who made it to Back-to-School Night. If you were not able to attend, here is the community deck we shared at the beginning. We had an amazing turn out and it was so wonderful to have the building bustling with families. We love sharing with you all the work, learning, experiences, and standards your children will experience each year. Our crew learning communities are not just our teachers and kiddos, they also include YOU! 

This week in Thursday Folders, you should have received the Columbine School Compact and the Columbine Technology Agreement. Both of these documents should be signed and returned to classroom teachers. Thank you for taking the time to read through these important documents with your kiddos. Our Columbine School Compact was written by Columbine staff, families, and students, it is a grounding and unifying document for our whole school. Our Columbine CSC, Black Excellence crew families, and outgoing 5th grade Black students all gave input about the experiences and contributions they believed were essential for our students to thrive. In addition, our compact is grounded in the EL philosophy of engaging families in the life of the school. 


In September we will narrow in on the L in LEAP which is LEADERSHIP! On Friday, September 6th, we will have our next Whole-School Crew Circle where we will kick off Leadership with our Crew Committee!

 Finally, this month on September 15th, we will kick off Hispanic Heritage Month which takes place from September 15th-October 15th. At Columbine, we recognize and celebrate each heritage month with the commitment to elevate the history, contributions, excellence, and genius within all of our school, community, and global identities. Please look for information in our newsletter and on your crew Bloomz page for how we will be recognizing and celebrating HHM this year. A big thank you to our Columbine Multicultural Team and our PTA Outreach and Inclusion Team for the collaboration in planning these heritage months. 

I hope to see many of you this month for our first ☕Coffee with Corey☕ of the year on September 12th from 8:00-8:45 am. This is a time to come together, connect, ask questions, and build community. 

In Crew, 

Corey Jenks


Please take some time in the first week to review our Columbine Community Handbook


Columbine welcomes and values our volunteers! There are many ways families and community members can support the students at Columbine. One great avenue for volunteering is via our Classroom Hero and Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

. Click here to become a volunteer in DPS by completing a background check. 

 📱Cell Phones and Electronics 

Student ​​cell phones and electronic devices should not be brought to school. If your child carries a phone for safety reasons, their teacher will collect it at the beginning of the school day, lock it up for safekeeping to be returned at the end of the day. Cell phones not turned in will be turned into the office and a parent/guardian will need to come and pick up the phone.

Student Chromebooks

This week, we will be distributing chromebooks to students. In your child’s Thursday folder you received a technology agreement for your child (3rd-5th) and you as families to sign and return to the school. At Columbine, we put an immense amount of care and intentionality into how we use technology with students. Students will only be using Chromebooks to access educational platforms. Students will use technology as an extension of their learning and will access educational platforms to engage in research, writing, creating presentations, and additional instructional programs. Students will not be using Chromebooks as tools for entertainment, listening to music, or playing non-educational games. We will teach our students how to use technology, how to be digital citizens, and how to be critical consumers of media. 

Upcoming Events

September 2nd: Labor Day (No School)September 6th: Whole-School Crew Circle @ 8:15 to kick off LEADERSHIPSeptember 12th: Coffee with Corey ☕September 15th: First Day of Hispanic Heritage MonthSeptember 20th: Lockdown Drill 8:00-10:00September 25th: Student of the Month Assembly                            (2nd-5th 8:15-8:45)(ECE-1st 2:45-3:15)September 25: CSC 5:15-6:15 and PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30 September 27th: PD Day – NO SCHOOL for students  
Community Resource Team If you are looking for resources, book recommendations, and entry points into the essential learning about race, gentrification, cultural competency, and racial history in our country, the CR team has compiled a recommended book list. Book List Here

Columbine Cougars PTA Update

Thank for those that were able to attend our first PTA meeting this past Wednesday. If you were unable to attend and would like to see the meeting minutes, you can find them here: PTA Meeting Minutes 

Want to join the PTA? Interested in joining a committee? Interested in joining the Dads of Columbine? Ready to vote on important upcoming items like the budget? Please join the PTA here!

🎉 Upcoming Events! 🎉
September 15th: Start of Hispanic Heritage Month
Upcoming Meetings!
Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm:  PTA meeting – Columbine Library
Don’t miss upcoming events! Sync your calendar with our Columbine calendar!  
Looking to stay in touch? Follow some of our Columbine Elementary social media accounts.columbine_cougars         dadsofcolumbine          columbinecougarspta